
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just a Reflection...

1. I offer you our Swedish ”vemod”

We Swedes are a ”vemodigt” (sad, melancholic ) people.
”VEMOD” (Sadness) is an expression that is difficult to find in many southern European languages

is linked to a yearning backward, to what was. It’s not identical with nostalgia Even the word ”längtan” yearning is hard to find in many other languages In French for example When I lived in France for many years ago, I had big problems in expressing my homesickness in an adequate manner in French, since they have no exact word for it.

It is interesting how a language vocabulary, or lack of , say much about the people who use it. Our Swedish ”vemod” melancholy is a quiet affectionate yearning for times that has past, and was filled with lovely experiences and now you realize that they are for ever gone.

How comes that we in Sweden created the word from a kind of needs
, while for example, Frenchmen and Englishmen are not known to this need?. The Englishmen are quite satisfied with sad and melancholic and the French with ”triste” and ”melancolique”.

But ”vemod” is so much more There must be a Swedish ”kynne
Here we go again. ”kynne” didn’t exist either. I give up :) Such a great deal of people’s feelings and state of mind can never be translated, since that phenomena don’t exist in other cultures and then consequently need no word. Only a small reflection ...
There must be thousands of examples where a foreign language its not satisfying to define someone with a different culture and his/hers state of mind.

Please share your language reflection with us or any reflection at all….

2. How does the Truth look like, and who are ”sitting on the answers”...?

Yes, when I was twenty I was fairly certain that I had the answers to most questions. *Smile*

Could almost write a record ;) The conviction was so strong at that time.

First it had to do with children. I knew all about them before I even had any. So they came into my life one by one. I tried in desperation to turn to my own produced record. But the answers that were there were not usable. They were just constructed theories and far from the reality that I lived in.

Had to fetch my ”red pencil” and remove my ”theoretical answers” one by one. More and more questions arose and the usable responses were fewer and fewer. When I finally was able to abandon the finished model, I could also learn from what I saw and draw conclusions from my own gained experiences .

The same went for politics. When you are young you knew everything about how the world came together. It had its obvious scapegoats. There were black and there was white. And you were absolutely convinced that you were at the "whites" page.

Connections and contexts were so blatant and obvious, that you could not understand how "the others" could be so stupid that they did not saw what we saw.

A slight feeling of complacency colored the politically active years. As time passed and the "truths" with it. Many of the obvious approach from youth and midlife were clouded The connections became more and more complicated and the white was no longer so white.

Something grey was spread over the innocent and obvious. There was considerable disappointment for all of us who most desperately and stubbornly held on to our political philosophy. Many of our answers were simply wrong. That was not more to it... Something that with hindsight was easy to find.

The next phase of life you do not feel so strongly to stand on the barricades and shout. Nevertheless, it will be proved in 20 years, when our actions are put into a larger, historical perspective that those who ”shout” today had not ”the Answers” either.

For how do the truth look like? Who sits on the answers? I have not many today. I'm glad if I can work on formulating questions ...

3. In what "direction" would you steer your last steps?


If you only had to take one more step in your life, in which "direction" would you go?
Once again I have thought out loud. *smile* Have no answers myself to that question. Hope that the conversation with you can give some clues.. I want so much. But perhaps it is to write something that may be relevant long after that I no longer exist. To have left a track after me… ...
Yes .. it might be a desire of conceit but in the direction of that intention I wish I will to be able to take my last step ...

Towards what do you want take your last step?

4 The side you do not show on these networks, how does that look ?

When will that part of you get its confirmation? We usually only shows up one of our ”Network halves" but we are so much more, for better or worse.

It becomes a bit curious to know who the person behind the nickname is. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of another person behind the words. Often, I like what I see.

It is in this a little less polished and correct that perhaps the most recognizable is to find. It is not always in the fine words, but perhaps more of our various shortcomings that we recognize ourselves and understand how much we have in common after all.

It is a pity that those of our other "halves" will have such a little space here. We are placed in the tray from the "blog face" we show up. Where we often remain, even if we sometimes make small attempts to escape we slip fairly quickly back in the role wearing everyone's and all expectations. Since that role we can control and that make us feel safe and comfortable. So it's quite understandable that this role may identify ourselves while our "blog shadow " remains unenlightened But that fact does not prevent my curiosity :)

So …The side you do not show up here on these networks, how does that look? Or is that a too personal question? :)

5. If I was young...

If I was young, should I do things in a different way
should my priorities look different?
If I was young, should I choose a different path
should I go with the flow?

No… If I was young I should create a replay
And make exactly the same elections
If I was young I should follows my footsteps
And swim against the stream

If I was young I couldn’t know the costs
Today I still don’t know
More than that I had to pay
And that everything has its prise

But I do not ask anymore
If it was worth it or not
I live with it
Because its me

And I’m no longer young

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