
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Have our prayers wrong focus?

Have our prayers wrong focus? Since we never get heard…

(A discussion from an earlier group: War and Violence in the name of God)

All who believe in God, believe in a good one. Yet many believers invoke his God in his desire for retribution and revenge
There is only One God and he is for everyone.
Would he take an "active" part of war and violence, it would hardly be able to speak of a good God. Or?
So let the politicians and others solve the worldly conflicts And lets us pray for:
Wise politicians, a child-friendly society, that hunger and poverty will become history, safe and satisfied people, humility in human relationships and the hope that all people should be seen with love.
Then there will be no fertile ground for war and violence, and the word peace would not even exist.
Since that’s impossible without it’s opposite
Seeking to appeal to the good God to take a position in a conflict is to make him active. Some kind of "star wars" but instead with our imagined different Gods in leading roles
But praying for favourable conditions leading to a violent free community or a world of peace is something else .

Maybe our prayers have had a somewhat confused direction that’s why they haven’t been heard, despite they have been told for thousands of years. There are still no ”peace in sight” in our world and crimes and violence just increases.

So I think what we need is to analyze from where do the ”blood thirst” come and once we know that we can pray for help to remove all the obstacles in the human path which caused it.
We can also pray to the good conditions to be fulfilled.

Last but not least, a prayer about asking God to give us intellect to understand that he is one and the same in all religions and therefore should unite us instead of, as now and as it has been for ages, divide us.

The Children of Abraham

Thoughts and reflections concerning War /Violence and Religion

(This discussion belongs to a group named; "War and Violence in the name of God" But since I have not this group here I add these reflections in this forum)

The Children of Abraham

At least all we, who belong to one of those three monotheistic religions.
We have the same ancestor: Abraham.
Means that we are all brothers and sisters.
How comes that throughout history these family members has fought the most? Not talking about these who have the same ancestor, the same God and the same prophet and still choose to kill each other?
Is there any hope for the world when not even the “same family” can stick together?

MOSES another FATHER for so many people

“Living at the edge of Chaos“.

Heard that expression today of Paul Davis. Liked the expression and I like him. I have read most of his books. A physician who can talk so ordinary people do understand, that’s great.

He also talk about a “guiding hand.” What does he mean with that ? Yes that he don’t exclude a God even if he as a physicist and does not claim to be a believer.

But in his books, he always speaks of an extreme point, where all logical explanations and physiological laws end. Is that where we will find a God? He never says that but anyone can read between the lines *smile*

The development of the universe has always existed at the end of chaos. But in some way it has always took a somewhat meaningful way. It’s in this context he talked about ”a guiding hand”

We do not need pictures to talk about a topic which can not be either imagined, drawn or still less photographed.

So this will be the place to ask ourselves ;

who is this ” guiding hand” and where is he to be find, and when did he turn up in the history of our universe?

Can Angels exist without a God?

Many talk in Sweden and many other secularised countries so full of contempt for a God. He is irrational and thus impossible to believe in . His existence can not be logically proved why he is dismissed. While the Angels appear to have almost all taken up as a completely natural part of both life and death.

How comes? Isn’t there an obvious connection here? Don’t the angels belong to just a deity? It has often been spoken in the Bible about God and his angels. Today, we have rationalized away "him" but retained the Angels as the most natural thing in the world. Not only that we kept them we have built out the entire concept so that it begins to look like a faith. A ”Angel faith”.

”I do not believe in God but I believe in angels”. Seems to be a pretty common perception. But how does this agree?

Can Angels exist without a God? I just wonder * L

Which is the role of God in the creation process?

What started it all?

Here are all opinions strongly divided. Was it a God who created the universe, or he contented himself with creating and populate the earth?.
What is "his" role if we agree with the more or less accepted Big Bang theory?
Was "He" the source of the singularity that may have been the origin of everything.
Or was "He" entered the picture later?

Do not know if it makes sense to speculate on these issues that nobody has an answer to. But just because... I never cease to think about how everything started.
When it eventually became the planet Earth how did life arose?
The questions will never end and all the answers are so poor. But still ... we can speculate and reflect on these major issues. `
What is your theories about all this?
If you have a strong believe it may be easier you are looking in the bible or other holy texts. But i haven’t find it there...Have I missed something? I have listened to and read the new physicians they have much to say but not about how it all started. There all the answers end. But even the scientists leave a little hint about a possible God, How else to explain the very beginning?
We will never know?
But you who have a theory please share it with us!

If I could touch the sky...

If I could touch the sky

If I could touch the sky
and feel the smell of heaven
If I could see the angels
like bird wings twisted around my soul
If I could hear a hallelujah
when opening the door
If I could stand there on the threshold
Looking trustfully inside
If I could see the rays of light
Creating form creating life

Would I believe then? *smile*
No since that is not belief but science

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