
Monday, January 25, 2010

The Child Within

Sing for the inner child


Our innermost room

There is a door that rarely opens
It’s too fare away from eyes to see
We have to search for a chance to find it
And we have to enter to be free



Like a bubble of soap

Fragile as a bubble of soap swirls and dances you in the shimmering colors of a rainbow
creating a magical world with your glow.
We believe we can catch a bubble
we believe we can keep it for ever tight but if we try we lose it.
Childhood last just one Swedish summer night
The magic is not there for ever and the dance will end and bubbles all dissolve
But we were there and saw it happy for being once involved /gc

We here so often people say that we have to take care of our inner child.
But who is our inner child?

flicka ballty.jpg

The Child Within belongs to all of us, But many don’t dare to neither see or feel it.
What should happen it we gave light to that hidden child within.?
No… who wants to know?


Yes we try to sublimate are inner needs by giving and once again giving to others and that helps for the moment, maybe also in the long run. Because giving or doing something for someone else is a way to refill one selves. A meaningful way too. But that doesn’t mean that the child within doesn’t catch up with us some day, sooner or later.

If that child is a neglected one you are responsible for not giving it what your parents weren’t capable to. That child is now in your care, since the day you was called grown up. But none will get older than the child they are caring inside. You can try to save the world , you may even succeed, but that’s no guarantee for that your own inner child is saved.

There exist people, I do know ,which have no neglected child within.
They are given from their abundance That’s good .
But the majority of us don’t belong to that group.
We are giving of our deficit in an unconsciously hope to get something back.
We have to see and admit our inner child because he or she is the one who unconsciously
governs our lives. .

How could anyone ever tell you …. That you was anything but a Miracel

But that happened.

You was not always told what a miracle you were and the neglected child hide itself deep within.. It is that child we have to find...

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