
Monday, January 25, 2010

Child Abuse

One of the most frightening phenomenon
in our society. No… the Most…
Here I’m talking about all kinds of abuse; physical, psychological and sexual

They don’t only destroy the childhood for millions of children all over the world they destroy their total life. Yes some, if they are lucky, can get some psychological help through therapy. But even for those the wound will never totally heal. They have to live and try to deal with it throughout their entire life, with different results.

This really is a topic in which the debate may never halt.

How can the abuse of children occur?
What mechanisms lie behind?
How can we prevent this just continues to grow in scale?

That’s the first part of the discussion.

The second is to leave room and space for the victims. Those who live with their unhealed wounds. They must be seen and heard in the end. They should be able to share their experiences as part of processing their traumas. Nobody should have to carry this grief and pain alone.

Here if anywhere we must be there for each other

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