
Friday, August 6, 2010

Who is ET?

Last Christmas Holyday I saw that film three times with my four years old granddaughter.
For about twenty years I saw it with my own children. The fascination was just the same now as then.
How comes that certain theme doesn’t get old and out of fashion ?

Just look at the old Fairytales. Now I’m reading Cinderella, The sleeping, beauty and the others for my grandchild, exactly the same fairy tales that my mother once read to me.

That’s really something to think about and try to analyze.

The fairytales demand many pages of explanations and deep psychological analysis so I leave them for now., and will try to concentrate on Et who for the moment are occupying the head of both me and my four years angel, We are talking and taking about that mystery that this alien creates.

Sometimes I think she understands better than we the grown-ups . She is closer to all mystery of life and she lives in a world of fantasy to which we the adults not always have access.

But above all the child within is still very muck alive in this age. They are one and the same
ET is that child. Maybe monstrous in appearance but since we know him we are not afraid.
How comes , in other way, that children at once they see him say ; How sweet and nice he is.. They should be terrified because what he looks like. But not. They see something else.

Also we the t grown ups who hasn’t such a distance to this inner child can shad a tear for this little fellow. Is it a boy or a girl, how old? Now one can tell. That’s a part of the mystery. A little lovely adorable monster without age and sex, which a whole world came to love and that for generation, and I’m sure for generation to come.

Spielberg has created something great in his creating of this Archetype. “The child within”
We just have to see, confirm and love it.

No matter age or époque he/ she//it talks to all of us. If we cannot get reached by this creature something is wrong , very wrong *smile*

For you who likes the deeper meaning of the old Fairytales I will make a forum, later on, for a more serious discussion. To this group we now also can add ET. HC Anderson couldn’t have said it better.

I’m so fascinated of the fascination that the Children show for this creature. This should need a thesis to make me understand a little bit better . Till then *smile* I have to try to analyze this phenomena myself.
It just have to be comprehensible ;)


  1. I always loved E.T. !!!

    I saw the film in america when it came out and I was mesmerized

  2. Hallo Erika. Nice to meet you here.
    Tror du just skrivit den första kommentaren :)

    Jag vad har den där lilla varelsen som gör en så förälskad. Ful som han är går han så rakt in i hjärtat.
    Ha en skön helg och tack för att du spräckte Nollan *smile*
