Should really need no words. The picture speaks for itself.
But many are we who have our self-confidence through what we have achieved. We have worked ourselves into a good confidence.
It is all well and good. But what we should have had with us in the baggage from our childhood; a good self-esteem, is not always there.
A strong self-confidence combined with a low self-esteem is a rather unfortunate combination.
If we see our life as an account with deposits and withdrawals. So we can see that for many there is very little on account of self-esteem. I it is simply the minus.
This applies to those who invest all of the other account which is called; self-confidence They are performing to the death to try to compensate this imbalance.
At the minimum setback, unemployment, divorce, criticism, what ever. Everything collapse.
I myself is nothing worth, my whole life is defined on the basis of my performance
If they aren’t good enough it’s the end.
All the words and confirmations of how good we are in ourselves is not included. We were never told of an important environment when we were small and the foundation should have been built..
No, perhaps they even made withdrawing on your self-esteem account; ”What will become of you…?” ”You are impossible…!” ”Without education you are no one…etc. etc.
Then there are two ways:
1. I will show them .. You will see…Just wait….
2. Nothing matters…Might as well give up...
Many who perform amazing things in life belong to group 1. They wanted to "prove" their environment (often parents) that they will do.
Many people who by different reasons ”go down” belong to group 2.
They have the same feelings within themselves but have found different ways to deal with them
What they have in common is their great vulnerability because of their very low self-esteem
Many people say that you can continue to make deposits, throughout the whole life, on that self-esteem account ... But I wonder...
For example by making Affirmations, find a new love, find a strong religious belief and so on.
I do not know ....
But I do know that this topic is quite important for understanding how a person acts
and therefore I would like us to keep the conversation alive. I will also come back with follow-up contributions
What account do you for example have set up the most on?
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