Pictures from within. The most reliable source for revealing who we really are They are hidden in the unconscious of which we have no control. Means that its not possible to see them just by looking at a person. No they are rather difficult to get hold of.
But there are ways, besides therapy which, in a symbolic ways, show us them, That’s our dreams and also our “out-actings” in Swedish “Utspel” There are in the situations in daily life when a person extremely overreact. When you can see now logical connection between what really happened and the rage it evoked. Then you know that the commons sense is out of order and that the unconscious pictures dirge, These pictures are a collection of all kind of miss street that are consciously or unconsciously suppressed. Mostly from our childhood . (Also many of our beautiful experiences are hidden here). This source of pain live its own life and give us a lot of problem the whole life long, if we don’t find it and process the meaning within.
The dreams are maybe the easiest way. What people don’t talk about they dream,. It’s the same for children, a group I´m more familiar to, since in my work with troubled children this was a therapeutic method we used with good result. I’m as fare as I know the first one who have worked in this active way with children’s dreams and over a long period of time. Since they all lives in our house for years..
Painting and other kind of creativity also give a gleam of those inner pictures, Many artist can show us who the are by showing us there piece of art, So also goes for writers who find their source in these pictures, And the spectators they all get different experiences because of their inner pictures which they are projecting on a special piece of art, The same goes for music.
Many writer has told that the characters just came to me, Where did they come from and what tinged the different characters in the story? Yes that happens when we allow the flow that has its origin in the unconsciousness. Many pictures from within has created masterpiece both in art, writing and music
As many people say; Peace comes from within. That's why; see, confirm and love these inner pictures may be a way to reach our goal. It will not happen over night, but it will be one step in the right direction.
For whom a little dirty stone can turn into a shimmering mountain on whose peak a little princess lives shaped by a piece of a leaf.
She is four years old and she invites me to join that peak which now is a dancing palace for the princess and her prince. - But wait a minute she says I have no prince… She runs around on the land in search of something that she can turn into a prince.
She sees a little currant on the ground with crown and everything needed. That will do… she place it close to the princess on the top of that shimmering mountain and she declare that the dance can begin… I am invited.
I stand there in front of the mountain but do not know how to reach the top. I try to use my grown-up intellect but that doesn’t help me to climb that mountain, because I cannot even see it. I just look at a little stone with a piece of leave and a squashed currant whose red juice has collared half the stone.
- But come on then she says. Don’t you want to join us? Now with a disappointment in her voice. I look at her, and she looks at me. Now she tries to make me enthusiastic by refilling her eyes with expectation.
I move my leg high in a theatrical way and I start to climb. But I know I will never reach this dancing palace on the top of her mountain. Not because I cannot climb but because I cannot ”see”
Her world is created only for the ”mysterious people” I do not belong to them… But every time she invites me she offer me another ”small close thing” to remember and to carefully hide in that special box in my heart marked; loved grandchild ...
The image you wear is only yours but shared by millions of other Maybe not even like your mother more like the other A mother you can feel and see even if she is invisible But still controls your destiny with an iron fist or let you lean your head against the base of the life flow
The archetypal image of a mother is in all of us right from the start. It is to this mother archetype that the whole nature relate. The little child to her mother, the bird kid to hers/his etc.. Whether we know our mother or not we have a picture of a mother with a large M within.
We speak, in Sweden, about ” Mother Svea” as an archetype for the Swedish people to relate to. Mother Earth then is a universal variant. Yes, we can find this "prototype" in many guises. It's pretty powerful to think of the enormous force and charge that is in just that ”Mother complex”. How we relate to this then affects all our lives. The small child have this prototype inside itself , long before it has even become aware that it has a mother. Life through we are the looking after many of its counterparts in real life. The Mother Archetype, which, depending on the relationship we have to it , perhaps the most critical in terms of our mental development
For children, their mother almost always is ”The Mother” no matter how much evil they have done their children. I think that may be related to that we can not always see our real mother really well. She is collared by this archetypal filter She stands for the dream, longing, security, nursing care and the good earth, to grow from
Memories…"Small Close Things" The seemingly insignificant in the eyes of the public, but so incredibly important to us It was never the big success, the beautiful words or wordy theories. It was not money, status or glory
No… usually it is just "small close things " in our lives that make the biggest impression in heart and mind ...
What will you remember when you come to the age that makes you look more and more in the rear-view mirror? Or have you the capacity to appreciate these small things without even looking back?
They say that you shall not look backward, not forward either because we are invited to live in the present
.If so how can you ever know what was important. Since it`s only with this comparative perspective to the past that you will become aware of what has actually meant something, and what was only beautiful illusions ...
A wild bird in your hand A mothers beautiful song in the childhood A first word from a beloved baby
A warm hug from a revolutionary teenager A happy sparkle in the eyes of a child A walk with the little grandchild’s hand in yours
A lovely sunset A piece of music that went straight in and stayed for ever.. A capacity of loving and become loved. A safe place within
A dog's tail waving when you get home at night A garden flower that for the first time survived the cold winter A book that gave you the feeling that it was written just for you A beautiful poem
So I could go on with my list for ever. Our lives are so filled up with these ”small close things”
But do we notice them do we pay them enough attention or do we just take them for granted. Or do we have to be with one foot in the grave to realize what was important? Love for example
And love for our children….
I can see in the rear-view mirror, what was important in my life. Was it the carrier, was it money, was it my appearance, was it fame ??? No ..Now I can see that it was the children, my own as well as all the others which I was given to raise. I can see in the rear-view mirror what made me smile.
A happy child who looked upon me with trust created my most happy moments. They were all the source to the most of these “small close things”
As some wise person has said: “After all this climbing and all the efforts we have made to reach the top, we will finally find that we have put the ladder up against the wrong wall ” How true...
"... You shall not hunt so restless around, but learn to love ”small close. things "So ended the song my mother sang for me as a child.. Maybe the best heritage she could have given to me…. A melody, a text, a voice that became a warm childhood memory. One of these ”small close things ” which I always will carry with me to make me remember what life is all about…
Have you looked into your rear-view mirror, have you found the “small close things “ that filled your life with warmth.?
I have never been especially interested in those who were born with a ”silver spoon in their mouths "as we say in Sweden. Some one else can confirm them. I save my emotions for those who were born without something to” eat”, in the case of emotional nourishment. Those who had to live in the shadow all their lives. With nothing on their feet or in their backpacks but managed to survive after all. . In Sweden we call them ”dandelion child” those who survive against all odds. They are my heroes. They know all the nuances of black but colours are foreign to them. Since they grew up in a scale between black and grey. But they managed…
How did they do it? I know many ”dandelion children” With the most horrible backgrounds. And I will never stop asking how did they manage to psychological survive.. Yes they have my fully respect and admiration and they have much to share with the world if we are ready to listen… They are those who can learn us to appreciate the light after having lived for so long in the darkness.
They should be our teachers instead of all ”silver spoons” ”besser wissers” But do we listen to them in the "margin" or do we blindly trust titles and exclusive educations even if they have no experiences at all in the topic where they acquired their postgraduate training. Words and education is wonderful but experiences will always be one step ahead. Without these so much become just empty words…. This my text is an praise to all the ”dandelion children” all over the world . We owe you all our respect… And I think you are those who can change the world since you have the needed perspective ….
De blåste hårda vindar den dag som du blev till ogräs blev du kallad kalla vad man vill Den kraft som du besitter den knäcker hård betong den avundas av plantan på var köksbalkong
Den kluvenhetsom skapats av mask och rosor född är signum för din styrka välväxt inte gödd. Hur marken än är danad du växer lika väl och i den gula blomman finns en kraftfull själ
One a again a ridiculous attempt to try to translate a poem *smile* a real "mission impossible" but i do it anyway ;) So here:
Dandelion Child
Hard the wind was blowing the day you came to life weeds were you referred to name it what you like The force that you possess destroy the hard concrete envy of each seedling On the kitchen balcony
The mixed feelings created from worms and roses born is the signature for strength shapely not fattened up but worn. However the ground is shaped you grow with dignity as well and in the yellow flower a powerful soul is veiled GC
As a child they raise the compassion, as young people fear and horror as adults they populate our prisons, mental hospitals, treatment and ultimately of our cemeteries. The young people who are totally emotionally cold sticking down a friend, or throw an unconscious contemporary in the water to drown. has also been a child. So also those who are escaping life by using drugs or other abuse or those who steal and rob both themselves and us.
I know these children, they have lived under my roof and of my care and nutrition. Many have survived and are today our strong ; “ Dandelion Children” But many are living with a neglected child with. A child who need to be healed…
I could carry you
All genuine empathy begins with understanding. And the easiest way out is compassion, which is usually perceived as derogatory and reducing. What we do all need to grow is respect for our person, requirement that makes us worthy, love to develop empathy and caring people that confirm us. My thoughts are not only for those who have been abused and as a consequence abuse their own lives in different ways, but also for us the adults who carry an abandoned child within. The pain of life is our heritage and its rise is often to search just in childhood. This basic grief unites us all and gives me hope that many of us can recognize ourselves in what I’m writing about..
I tried to translate this little poem of our famous poet Nils Ferlin but it really does not give justice to his lovely and easy words. It’s lovely just because of its simplicity in which there are so much to find.
I share it anyway. Also for you to know from where I got the expression when I’m talking about ”Barefoot Children”
Barefoot Children
You lost your words and your piece of paper, you barefoot children in life. So you sit back on the dealer's stairs crying in total despair
What was that word - was it long or short, was it well or badly written? Think hard now - before we drive you away, you barefoot children in life. (Nils Ferlin from ” Barfotabarn”-33)
Our Birthright
Born out of love born to joy not a human right for that girl and boy who was just the fruit of a drunkenness or someone temporary depressed.
The dark shadows of the psyche became the father not seen not liked mother's joy was in the glass your cradle she did not even pass
Still waiting always waiting everything had to come first everything was more important than the call from a child crying in its thirst.
Every time the little grumbled wounds was bleeding from the adult’s soul wait.. wait mom will join you first a drink to fill the hole
The mother looks in her despair after cuddle blanket .I laid it where? find so finally the chest in a bottle drunk wildly till she saw the bottom
Flood was the cry and sent to sleep the pain so also the mother whose child´s tears was in vain With the dreams she forgot it all While the child was still awake, wet and cold
Many adults also need to be lulled to sleep...
For not creating misunderstandings, I want to add;
Yeah, I understand that many of you are thinking primarily of the children who actually go without shoes and with empty stomach and eyes. The children who suffer from hunger and war. I am glad that there are many who work for these groups of children. They are those who primarily need assistance. And the fact that we still 2011 in a world which is rich have children starving and being killed in war is a shame for human kind. It’s unacceptable…
But you can not share the experience you do not have , therefore, I write about the children who have the stomach full, but whose souls are empty. Those who are taking their lives in early teenage, or scream for help by trying. The children who cut themselves or otherwise seek to divert the mental evil. The young people who have to go early on antidepressant medicine to cope getting through the day. Just to mention a few examples. I do not compare pain. I just know that when your stomach is full you easier feel the soul pain. And how to satisfy that kind of hunger?
If we neglect them we have to look for our own inner child as grown up, A much harder task. We talk about changing the world, about peace, about whipping out the evil and eradicate violence. But to achieve that, the inner child have to be seen,confirmed and loved. If not. That child, will grow up, and together with other neglected children form injustice system of the society, for generations to come. The outcome of the suffering from within.
We have to confirm our children, not only what we can see but also below the surface We have to find their inner pictures to be able to heal what’s broken. In order to create a more hopeful society and in its prolongation a better world.
The society can never feel better than its children.
There is a door that rarely opens It’s too fare away from eyes to see We have to search for a chance to find it And we have to enter to be free GC
Like a bubble of soap
Fragile as a bubble of soap swirls and dances you in the shimmering colors of a rainbow creating a magical world with your glow. We believe we can catch a bubble we believe we can keep it for ever tight but if we try we lose it. Childhood last just one Swedish summer night The magic is not there for ever and the dance will end and bubbles all dissolve But we were there and saw it happy for being once involved GC
We here so often people say that we have to take care of our inner child.
But who is our inner child?
The Child Within belongs to all of us, But many don’t dare to neither see or feel it. What should happen it we gave light to that hidden child within.? No… who wants to know?
Yes we try to sublimate are inner needs by giving and once again giving to others and that helps for the moment, maybe also in the long run. Because giving or doing something for someone else is a way to refill one selves. A meaningful way too. But that doesn’t mean that the child within doesn’t catch up with us some day, sooner or later.
If that child is a neglected one you are responsible for not giving it what your parents weren’t capable to. That child is now in your care, since the day you was called grown up. But none will get older than the child they are caring inside. You can try to save the world , you may even succeed, but that’s no guarantee for that your own inner child is saved.
There exist people, I do know ,which have no neglected child within. They are given from their abundance That’s good . But the majority of us don’t belong to that group. We are giving of our deficit in an unconsciously hope to get something back.
Everthing possible
We have to see and admit our inner child because he or she is the one who unconsciously governs our lives.
How could anyone ever tell you ….
You was not always told what a miracle you were More then so you were neglected, beaten or abused. You became our “ BAREFOOT CHILDREN”
We all know that. Still we have all these "Forgotten Children" or as I use to call them "The Barefoot Children"
How could it happen and why?
WELCOME to discuss the Children's situation. Those on our doorstep and those in another part of the world.
Children are living in a social context, which need to be analyzed too, if we will ever understand. How it was possible that Children had to pay the highest price for all our grownups mistakes.