
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Psychology of Violence


The dream is one way to get insight in our inner pictures. The other way is our "out actions" (Utspel in Swedish.) A term that I invented in connection with my attempt to describe and analyse psychological projections in our actions.

This unconscious phenomenon when we, in our daily life lay our inner feelings of pain and fear upon other people, things and occurrences in our surroundings, with often destructive consequences in result.
Now it’s not only dream-characters who have to carry our shortcomings and act them out in the dreams, but also living persons who become targets for our projections. It’s here our psychological complexes are starting to play us tricks. When we lay our inward, in form of projections on other people, we give them qualities and opinions which they don’t possess. Then we are responding to these characteristics as if they were real. The world become a reflection of our inner life and our actions a "play" with these reflections.


These phenomenon happens all the time.Just look at a racist, for example, with a low self-esteem and many suppressed emotions of fear and hatred. These feelings have been suppressed for such a long time why he’s no longer aware of theme. Because of this disconnection over time he is not even conscious of possessing them, these painful and banished emotions. Although they are there in his unconscious and operate with strong power.

Here deep inside of him they will create the complex which, as time goes, develops more and more. This grievous complex will steal much of his mental energy and create a diffuse state of anxiety, which has to be reduced. When the racist get in contact with some immigrant, coloured people or just anyone who don’t look or behave like himself, he got a perfect hook for his projections. Now it will be this person or group that have to carry all his own shortcomings. A totally unconscious act. Every time the racist take offence at something with this person or group, he unburden at the same time his own anguish. If we allow this to go on, the racist will not be content only with negative chatter. He will be forced to liquidate, kill if necessary, those expelled aspects of his personality and which he now, with his glasses of projection, sees in other people. Its now he can plant a knife in somebody else’s back and feel relief.

The tragic in this situation is that it’s not his own pain that he has killed but a person of flesh and blood who had to pay for this, the racist’s tendency to project mental stuff on the surroundings.
This, with the actions of the racist, is only one single example of all "out actions" that we can study and analyse in our society. In all the situations where we react and act in an inadequate way, there is psychological knowledge to fetch and to work with, since inadequate actions tells us that projections are involved.


What we have to do, in our capacity as responsible grown-ups, are to confront the young ones with their inner and frightening pictures. These which are shown in dreams and in all kind of "out actions" ( situations very we are overreacting).We have to help our young people to take back their projection by assist them with their integration of rejected aspects of their personality.
It’s important that they dare to see the reality as it actually is which is possible only if they dare to confront themselves, their shadows and complex. If the young ones can see the demons in their own inward they don’t have to find them in the outward. To disarm these monsters from within in a psychological and understandable way will remove the demand for searching revenge and redress in a factual reality.
To confirm someone must mean that we learn to see what cannot be seen but still constitute maybe ninety percent of the human psyche. That is all that exist in the unconscious and then indirectly govern every action and thought.

It’s only through dreams, "out actions" and therapy that we can catch a glimpse of the inner life of a human.How often haven’t we said; How could it happen? After having read about a dread full outrage or experienced it near by. This question is asked, particularly in that case, when we know that the perpetrator is a social person who maybe works, practise sport or is a young student, about whom, everyone in his circle of acquaintances, only have appreciating things to say.
No without the inner pictures we cannot predict the acts of cruelty a person can commit on someone else. But if we, early in a child’s life, allow it’s dreams and "out actions" to guide us, we have the possibility to prevent many of the most destructive crimes later on. That’s why we are obliged to use the information that the dream as well as the "out actions" give to us. We have no excuses, now when we know where to look.


The other group that commit acts of crime are those about which we say, after the offences against somebody or something; What did I tell you? That means that we for a long time have seen how these children have developed in a social destructive way, without doing anything. Here our guilt are total. If we had helped this group at an early stage, by analysing and working with their smaller "out actions" they should have stayed in contact with their feelings something that should have precluded serious cases of crime.

All these my theories about the phenomenon "out action" I have gathered in a book named: Violence of Youth , and describes useful methods which are very much the same as those I use in my dream work with children.
Here in the book I point at different ways to approach the problem and than how to deal with it. In that way none are obliged to say I couldn’t know. Now its more a question about how to use the knowledge in the most effective way.
To do nothing make us accomplices and reinforce the expression that we have the society we deserve.

We all want to create a better world. I´m sure that it means with less violence. That´s why it´s important to me to try to find out; From where do the violence come?
I´m also very interested to take part and share your opinions. There are many ways to look upon the problem, I´m sure, But let us together try to put all the aspects on the table, then we can go from there...*smile*

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pour Les Enfants Du Monde Entier



How to deal with that fact?


Wish we could instead;




Instead of putting a weapon in it or brainwash them

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Unreasonable anger is just disguised grief

I have written much about children who are equivalent to "ticking bombs" and where we have to be very careful to avoid an explosion.
We easily forget that children who have not received the necessary assistance is still ticking bombs, or mined, as adults.
The difference is only that it is easier to deal with a child than an adult explosion outbreak.
When you are exposed to things that might get hooked to something painful it’s a healthy reaction to become a little sad, because it raises an old grief or pain.
Those who react with anger in a similar situation are the "deniers" those who are not able to see their pain nor do they want to see their sorrow. For them grief is associated with anger because they have not ”processed” what life has made to them ..

Anger is a defence against grief, and as long as they do not find other ways to deal with it, it is important that the anger may be a defence even if it is destructive
The alternative is that the person totally loses foothold with all that may mean.
It may be helpful to understand from where the sometimes irrational anger comes from. That does not mean that people are mean or evil. It just means that they are in pain. They do not know themselves that the anger does not have any larger connection with what it was all about, even if for example the topic in itself can act as a trigger.

Indefensible Anger is just a repressed and disguised pain

I have called these phenomena "outactings” when you project inner feelings on things, events and persons in your surroundings and no one understands. Something that further sprinkle salt in the inner wounds of the these people.
But nevertheless, we can not go on tiptoe for the existence of mined people in our surroundings. What we can do is warn the people in question that they need help with "defusing."

Everything is possible to understand ... The question is just if we are up to..

But at least we must keep in mind that their anger are just disguised grief

Mother and Child

The relationship with our mother is our most complex attachment.
She was there before we were aware that we existed. She sheltered our lives and nourished us through the umbilical cord.
There are no limits and the child live in a symbiotic relationship with his/her mother. A symbiosis that continues even after birth. It is obvious that this creates the strongest attachment of them all.
Desperate are the mother and child connected which create ambivalent ties.
Already through the breast milk, perhaps even through the umbilical cord, the child will have access to a mother of both "good" and "evil" by that ”mother archetype” she constitute for her child.
In consequence the ambivalence to the physical mother often becomes greatly
A duality that may be hard to handle for both mother and child..

It is often the first and sometimes the last word we say is: Mom. She is the beginning and the end by the immense power that she has is capacity also of ”the great mother” and her archetypal energy .
A part that in all probability no living mother can live up to.
But in the child's world and even for many adults Mother Earth, is around which, as they in ancient times believed, all the other planets are spinning. So even the sun, as in the myths symbolise our father, who with his power and energy gives life and warmth to Mother Earth.
Our mother is the soil where our talents to grow or atrophy is entirely depending on the nutritional care the small plant will have. So we are vulnerable

Many children plants seeking convulsively to detain in the crumbs of earth they have been assigned to, grow despite all odds, blow themselves up through the asphalt if necessary. They are our, in Swedish called ,”maskrosbarn” (dandelion child)

Others die from that malnutrition. Some feel uncomfortable to have been fattened up
So there is the group whose "Earth" has been "good enough"
As mothers we don’t need to be any more than humans. We can never live up to the myth of ourselves anyway. We have to be satisfied with just being "good enough"

We had no chance to choose our soil. We had to make the best of the offered
But never the less how little fuel there was , for most of us Mum is always Mum.

Precisely because the relationship is so associated with the greatest of myths, riddles and mysteries; The emergence of life.